Friday, June 15, 2012

The Clock Is Ticking!!

To our supporters and followers,
We at Assumption Catholic School would like to take a moment and reflect on all that we (being our community members, parents, students, teachers...EVERYONE!!) have done up until this moment. We've been knocked down and risen, again and again, and here we are getting prepared for our final BIG day, all thanks to you!!!! have done an amazing's astonishing what people can do when they get together for the greater good....we thank you. We would also like to thank the committee members for their blood, sweat and tears!!! Tomorrow is going to be a fantastic experience...and we just can't express how excited we are to see the look on our children's faces....wish us luck sleeping tonight!!
With loads of love from our hearts to yours

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Got Brooms?

Greetings Supporters!
We need you to also bring some HARD bristled brooms if you've got some! We have to ensure our playing/learning sanctuary is left nice and neat for our visitors and students!! Spread the word! THREE days left!! Woo hoo!!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

And the winner is......

L. McAuley has won the beautiful painting by Katarina Mertikas!! Congratulations!! Thank you to all who helped with our fundraising initiative!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED DESPERATELY for June 14 & 15!!!  From 8am to 2:30pm.

If you know anyone who can help us out, we really need all of these things done before our actual build day! Please let all of your contacts know!!! Let them know that they will be fed!!

We need help unpacking skids, placing equipment, welding, cementing posts, measuring and marking!

Equipment will be provided...

ALSO!! If you are anyone you know have any plants that like shade, hosta's for example. please bring them to build day as we would like to give our front garden some TLC!!!

Thanks for your continued support!

Assumption Catholic School

Monday, June 4, 2012

What happened on Friday...

Assumption received $4,000 in less than 30 minutes and we found out we got cement!! Yahoo!!!
Thank you to you all! Like we've said in the past, there is NO way we could have done this without you!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Thank you Invaders!

What a great evening of fun and fundraising!!!  The Invaders sponsored 3 buses for all of our parents and students to attend a football game last night (June 2) and yes, with DIVINE intervention, the rain held off!!!  Our students sang the National Anthem and welcomed the team onto the field - what a privilege.
Not only did the Invaders win, but we also raised $242 - the half-time activity consisted of making a paper airplane and aim at a target on the field during half-time!  What a great idea!  Each paper cost $2...this was generously coordinated by the Invaders team - 
All parents and students LOVED their evening and went home, happy and tired....

Friday, June 1, 2012

Tools Anyone?!

Greetings Friends and Supporters of Assumption Catholic School,
We are looking for people who can help us with the following between June 14-16:

String Line/Marking Paint 
Tape Measure - 6 for 3 days
3/16 7018 welding rod (2 boxes) 
2' (torpedo) & 4'level - 2 of each
4 Impact Drivers
4 Cordless Drills
Drill bits 21/64, 5/32, 1/4, 1/8 - 2each
10 Wheelbarrow
Wrench/Ratcher 3-4 (common sizes 3/4, 1/2, 9/16, 1/4)
Torx Bits common sizes are T45, T30, T55, T40 &T27
Sledge Hammer 1

Can you help us?!